• dmk airport唱錢    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 晟強實業有限公司

      www.dmk.com.tw/ 《晟強實業有限公司 》求才啟事廣告樣本 收件者:謝鳳珠 小姐 傳真: (02) 23063611 E-mail: [email protected] 公司基本資料 【產業類別】 紡紗業 【產業類別描述】 服飾品 【公司負責人】 謝...

      電話:02-23082014    地址:台北市萬華區大理街112靠2樓
    2. 大買客電器事業


      電話:     地址:台中市東區精武東路176號之1
    3. SITA

      ...ions and IT solutionsWe deliver and manage business solutions for airline, airport, GDS, government and other customers over the worlds most extensive network, which forms the communications backbone of the global air transport industry.Created and owned by the air transport community, SITA is the c...

      電話:03-3983336    地址:桃園縣大園鄉桃園機場二期航廈4024室
    4. 台灣精選服務股份有限公司(台中分公司)

      SSP is an international leading foodservice provider in airports, railway stations, motorway service areas and on-board trains across the world. With more than 40 years experience, our vision is to create a better experience to the traveling customers through the operation in 26 countries, 122 airpo...

      電話:04-36001295    地址:台中市烏日區三和村站區二路8號
    5. (台北諾富特華航桃園機場飯店)華航大飯店股份有限公司

      Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport located on No. 1-1, Terminal South Road, Dayuan Township, Taoyuan County, Taiwan. We are the first European Brand hotel in Taiwan, and we will be the first international hotel to open at the Taoyuan International Airport. Owned by China Airlines, the hot...

      電話:03-3980988    地址:桃園縣大園鄉航站南路1-1號

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